October 29, 2006

Kids Church

Well I won't even apologize for the lack of posts, because I just have not had that much time.

Today we had Kids Day at church. It was awesome, and went very well. I think that Jackie took pictures so maybe I can get some up in the near future.

Our theme was Super Heros. And it went so good. I led worship, which was fun. We did this song called, Whose Side are you Leaning on?, which the kids liked. After the service we had a bunch of games set up for the kids to play. They got a lot of candy.

Have a Blessed Day!

October 16, 2006

living room

So we have had the furniture for a few weeks now and are really enjoying it. The room looks a little lived in now. The furniture is soo comfortable. We still have to hang a few pictures, so once evrything is done I will post some more pictures.

Have a great day!

October 14, 2006


Well sadly to say I couldn't find any pictures for the PhotoHunt. The theme was lost. But I don't know I could find anything. But I will post some pictures anyway.

lol that was me being a dork. That rose was soo pretty though. Its a beautiful fall color. I love fall, and winter. lol

I have been on the biggest kick of hot chocolate lately. I don't know why. I normally don't really like it, because I want it to be rich. But lately I have been drinking the stuff a lot.

hmm... something else that I have been eating alot, is soup. But it is that kind of year isn't it?

I hope that everyone has a Blessed Day!

October 13, 2006

A Busy Weekend Ahead

I am finally finding a bit of a schedule to my life. Everything seems to be straightening out. Well, I am adjusting.

School has been a little crazy lately. Not to mention, I had a sinus infection last week, which seemed to kinda knock me out.

Well this weekend is looking to be a little full. which is fine. I have to work. Then Friday night there is a Youth Rally. And Saturday I have a meeting. But I am glad that I have stuff to do.

Currently I am doing some major laundry. Oh my goodness, I have never had so much clothes to do at one time. But I am working at it. And it is getting better. Kinda. I probably have about two more loads. And I have already done three. By the way, there are consequences to having to big of a load.

An interesting thing, about not doing laundry for a while. You tend to find clothes to where that you haven't worn for a while.

Well I hope that everyone has a GREAT weekend.

Go Tigers! lol

October 07, 2006

Saturday Photo Hunt


October 03, 2006


Well I apologized for the lack of posts. I haven't been feeling well. Well my allergies have been getting the best of me.

I really like my new job. It is a lot of fun.

Alright. Sorry so short, but I have a headache.

So I will post again soon.


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