October 21, 2008

An Update of Sorts

Coming Soon...
I am going to try to post a copy of my paper that I just finished soon. I just need to find the final draft of the thing, lol.

Classes have been going well. I enjoy each of them, and I am learning lots of interesting facts.

Other than that I have been sick since last Wednesday. That cold that has been going around finally got me. It always seems that right before I get sick I always thing to myself It's been a while since I have gotten sick, lol. So I am doing the DayQuil, NyQuil, cough drops and antibiotic. Can anyone think of anything else lol?

I have tried a few homeopathic methods also. Orange juice, Echinacea tea and the netti pot. Google it I will spare you the details lol.

Well here's hoping that everyone is doing well, and staying healthy (I'm trying).

October 01, 2008

The Office

Now I am like Pam, lol. (It's an Office Thing)


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