November 29, 2006


Well as you may notice, for those who check my blogs. I have deleted my second blog. I really couldn't keep up with it.

I just want to take a moment to say, GOD IS SO GOOD!

Yes I know it is very profound. lol. I just am so thankful for everything that God has done in my life this year. And I mean everything. I am so thankful for the place that God has put me in. For the changes that He has made. I feel a new focus in my life, and I feel that this focus, is what God truly wants.

I have been thinking lately, about distorted reality. Do we realise how prevalent this concept is in our lives? How often do we distort the things around us? How often do we distort the plans of God? There are some things that God does in my life, and I say, what is the purpose of this. I know that God loves me. I think that I distort the intentions. What God meant to make me stronger, may feel like it is tearing us apart. But isn't that what body builders do? Rip the muscles, so that they will be rebuilt and repaired, stronger than before?

Just something I have been thinking about.

November 27, 2006


I hope that everyone had a good thanksgiving and a good Thanksgiving Weekend!

Thank you to all who participated in the Thankful post!

Have a great day!

November 21, 2006

I am Thankful

I am Thankful for so much this year.

I am thankful for God's Love!

I am thankful for the opportunity to worship God!

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve Him!

I am thankful for a loving family!

I am thankful for wonderful friends!

I am thankful for all the men and women in the service!

I am thankful for blessings in disguise!

I am thankful for the opportunity for schooling!

I am thankful for a job!

Those are just a few things that I am thankful for. To be truthful if I could list everything this blog probably couldn't contain it. God has been so good to me, and there is not one thing more that I could ask of Him. I pray that I am where God wants me to be, and I feel I am.

I pray that God Blesses you too! Through this holiday time I pray that you feel God's presence near.

Now I have a request please comment, about something that you are thankful for! I would love to read it!

I love the 90's

Remember the Y2K scare?

My word, that keeps going through my mind. We are doing a project for my History Class, and my group has the 90's.

Remember when everyone stocked up on water and bought gas generators?

I remember watching the New Years Eve Celebrations around the world, and thinking. Well France is alright, maybe we will make it. England is alright.

Sometimes we do this in life as well. We prepare for the worst and think, well I will be prepared. Maybe it is in those times, that instead of turning to our own devices, and our own measures for security, we should lean on God.

God is saying "What about me?" During the times where we feel our world crumbling around us. God just wants us to find comfort and security in His eternal loving arms.

I know that I have had times where I have turned to my own devices. My own way of solving problems. I also know that God has a plan, and I should follow that plan. God knows what He is doing, and situations will turn out much better.

November 20, 2006

Are we really doing all that God requires?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. What does God really want for our lives? What does He really want from our lives?

I can't help but think of those in the Bible who were required something.

I think of Ester. Really the book of Ester is my favorite. Ester, essentially had it all. She was queen, married to the king, and had her uncles blessing. Then disaster strikes, and the comfort that she had become accustom to is threatened. I spoke about this Friday Night, at youth service. A choice was put in front of Ester, and she had to do something. She could have been inactive. She could have continued to live in the comfort of the palace, but God warns her what would happen if she did. Her and her fathers house would be destroyed.

She chooses to confront the king in his realm of influence. To come before him, jeopardizing her life in the process.

There are others in the Bible asked to sacrifice. Hannah sacrifices her miracle child. After praying for so many years for a child of her own. After receiving that child, she gives Samuel to God.

There were those who could not sacrifice, though. The obvious example, being the young, rich ruler. Who refused to give his earthly possessions, in order to receive eternal life.

So what is required of me?

What is required of each of us?

God has given us so much. Every breath that we take is a gift from God. Last night in the sermon, Brother David said, if God did not answer one more prayer, would you still love Him. And I have heard the phrase before. But the thing that is so wonderful, is that He always answers prayers, even though we are undeserving.

So my prayer is, whatever that God requires of me, I want to be a joyful giver.

November 13, 2006

Hello Bloggers

It seems as though it has become harder and harder to blog consistently. But I have a chance now, so I thought I would take some time to share what has been going on in my life lately.

Well, why the extra time to blog? Because after showing up for my 8 am class, and waiting for about 25 minutes the professor never showed up. So that was interesting. It was actually the first time that I have left because a professor did not come. I wasn't angry or anything, I just have about an hour and a half to waste now.

Today I am going to lunch with my cousin. I am looking forward to going, because it has been a while since I saw her. Last year she took me to this restaurant called, Thai Orchid, and I have not been there since. So I am looking forward to be able to eat there again.

Holiday Youth Convention is coming up pretty soon. And I think it is going to be soo much fun.

hmm... What else? Oh today after I hang out with my cousin, then I am going to pick up my three cousins, and take them home. They are going to stay at our house for a night or two. I can't wait!

Last Saturday we had a thanksgiving dinner, at the community center by our church. We had a pretty good turnout. And lots of food. It was all very good.

Next week is Thanksgiving and my sisters birthday, so we have a busy week coming up.

Well hope that everyone has a Blessed day!

November 07, 2006

Election Day

Well today was the day!

I am proud of myself, because I voted. And I also helped to beat the stereotype of people my age. Who are generalized that they do not vote.

For shame to all those my age who have voted for American Idol, and never on election day!


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