November 21, 2006

I am Thankful

I am Thankful for so much this year.

I am thankful for God's Love!

I am thankful for the opportunity to worship God!

I am thankful for the opportunity to serve Him!

I am thankful for a loving family!

I am thankful for wonderful friends!

I am thankful for all the men and women in the service!

I am thankful for blessings in disguise!

I am thankful for the opportunity for schooling!

I am thankful for a job!

Those are just a few things that I am thankful for. To be truthful if I could list everything this blog probably couldn't contain it. God has been so good to me, and there is not one thing more that I could ask of Him. I pray that I am where God wants me to be, and I feel I am.

I pray that God Blesses you too! Through this holiday time I pray that you feel God's presence near.

Now I have a request please comment, about something that you are thankful for! I would love to read it!


Kendra Lynn said...

I am thankful for my family, especially my dad. I am thankful for the church, and for my life. I am truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for getting an education, being in good health, having my family and a very loving boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a friend that is still my friend after all these years and listens to all the crap that comes out of mouth. Your friendship has meant alot to me thank-you Nicole.---Mark.

Anonymous said...

as I get older, I understand better just how fragile life is, and how quickly people can pass from your life, so this year, I am especially thankful to have my family with me...cherish each moment with them, next year, we may all be in a different place...


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