November 20, 2006

Are we really doing all that God requires?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. What does God really want for our lives? What does He really want from our lives?

I can't help but think of those in the Bible who were required something.

I think of Ester. Really the book of Ester is my favorite. Ester, essentially had it all. She was queen, married to the king, and had her uncles blessing. Then disaster strikes, and the comfort that she had become accustom to is threatened. I spoke about this Friday Night, at youth service. A choice was put in front of Ester, and she had to do something. She could have been inactive. She could have continued to live in the comfort of the palace, but God warns her what would happen if she did. Her and her fathers house would be destroyed.

She chooses to confront the king in his realm of influence. To come before him, jeopardizing her life in the process.

There are others in the Bible asked to sacrifice. Hannah sacrifices her miracle child. After praying for so many years for a child of her own. After receiving that child, she gives Samuel to God.

There were those who could not sacrifice, though. The obvious example, being the young, rich ruler. Who refused to give his earthly possessions, in order to receive eternal life.

So what is required of me?

What is required of each of us?

God has given us so much. Every breath that we take is a gift from God. Last night in the sermon, Brother David said, if God did not answer one more prayer, would you still love Him. And I have heard the phrase before. But the thing that is so wonderful, is that He always answers prayers, even though we are undeserving.

So my prayer is, whatever that God requires of me, I want to be a joyful giver.


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