February 28, 2007
A little blurry... This is us standing in line waiting to sign the condolence book for Gerald R Ford.
Posted by Nicole at 8:13 AM 3 comments
February 22, 2007
Thank You!
I just want to thank everyone for all the e-mails and comments! It means so much!
Have a wonderfully Blessed Day!
Posted by Nicole at 12:41 AM 0 comments
February 15, 2007
After only about a week of waiting, the letter came yesterday in the mail. I am ACCEPTED!!! So starting next fall I will be going to a four-year university. I am excited. I realise that this isn't earth shattering news, but I have such a feeling of accomplishment.
In high school, my grades were not that good. Yet, when I reached college, I began to really like the classes that I was taking, and before I knew it I was on the Dean's list. So to me this, just seems like such an accomplishment.
I have been having a hard time finding stuff to blog about lately. I don't really know why. Its not that there isn't anything happening. I think that it is, I have found myself in a routine, and so the stuff to blog about seems monotonous. My week's consist of going to school Monday thru Thursday. Working all day Friday and a few other days after school, and going to church. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to do anything else. I really enjoy those three things.
So I apologize about the lack of posts, and I will try to post more often, I just need to get some inspiration.
Well, I hope everyone has a Great DAY!
Posted by Nicole at 10:19 AM 4 comments
February 08, 2007
Waiting .....
And yet they say the best things in life are worth waiting for.
It seems like this is my motto so far for the year of 2007, pretty sad considering that we are just partially into February. The month of January was spent waiting for my degree to come in the mail. Or waiting for the textbooks that I order online to come.
Well now what do I wait for? Well, besides Prince Charming (lol). I am waiting for a reply from the 4-year University that I applied too. I think that I have a good chance of being accepted. And I have been checking the website, and I know that they have received my application, and I know that they have received my transcript. So now I get to play the waiting game again. And wait for the acceptance letter in the mail.
in other news....
My classes this semester are going quite well. I am really enjoying them. And this may be my last semester at this college, so I am trying to soak it all in. I can't believe it is already time to transfer, looking back, it seems like the time has flown by.
Well I hope that you have a Blessed Day!!
Posted by Nicole at 11:59 PM 1 comments